Verdi Aida Recorded Live at The Met March 3 1962 Album Free Download

  • Title: Verdi Aida Recorded Live at The Met March 3 1962
  • Artist: The Metropolitan Opera, Gabriella Tucci, Franco Corelli, Irene Dalis, Cornell MacNeil & George Schick
  • Genre: Opera
  • Total Track: 38
  • Release Date: November 6, 1962

Track List:


Aida Act I Se quel guerrier io fossi Celeste Aida Live by Franco Corelli George Schick The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra


Aida Act I Danza sacra delle Sacerdotesse Sacred Dance of the Priestesses Live by Giorgio Tozzi George Schick The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra The Metropolitan Opera Chorus


Aida Act II Danza di piccoli schiavi mori Dance of the Young Moorish Slaves Live by Irene Dalis George Schick The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra The Metropolitan Opera Chorus


Aida Act II Marcia e ballabile Triumphal March and Ballet Live by George Schick The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra



Aida Act III Ciel Mio padre Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate Live by Gabriella Tucci Cornell MacNeil George Schick The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra



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