Early Choral Music at Trinity College Cambridge Album Free Download

  • Title: Early Choral Music at Trinity College Cambridge
  • Artist: The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 113
  • Release Date: October 14, 2016

Track List:


Maundy Thursday Feria V in Coena Domini at Matutinum Lessons of the First Nocturn Tenebrae Lectio I Incipit Lamentatio leremiae by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Maundy Thursday Feria V in Coena Domini at Matutinum Lessons of the First Nocturn Tenebrae Lectio II Vau Et egressus by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Maundy Thursday Feria V in Coena Domini at Matutinum Lessons of the First Nocturn Tenebrae Lectio III Iod Manum suam by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Maundy Thursday Responsorium IV Amicus meus by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Maundy Thursday Responsorium V Iudas mercator by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Maundy Thursday Responsorium VI Unus ex discipulis by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Good Friday Feria VI in Parasceve at Matutium Lessons of the First Nocturn Tenebrae Lectio I Heth Cogitavit Dominus by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Good Friday Feria VI in Parasceve at Matutium Lessons of the First Nocturn Tenebrae Lectio II Lamed Matribus suis by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Good Friday Feria VI in Parasceve at Matutium Lessons of the First Nocturn Tenebrae Lectio III Aleph Ego vir videns by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Good Friday Responsorium IV Tamquam ad latronem by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Good Friday Responsorium V Tenebrae factae sunt by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Good Friday Responsorium VI Animam meam dilectam by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Holy Saturday Sabbato Sancto ad Matutinum Tenebrae Lectio I Heth Misericordiae Domini by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Holy Saturday Sabbato Sancto ad Matutinum Tenebrae Lectio II Aleph Quomodo obscuratum by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Holy Saturday Sabbato Sancto ad Matutinum Tenebrae Lectio III Incipit Oratio Ieremiae by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Holy Saturday Responsorium IV Recessit pastor by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Holy Saturday Responsorium V O vos omnes by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Holy Saturday Responsorium VI Ecce quomodo moritur by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Pseaume 150 Or soit loué l Eternel Soit joinct avecques la voix Soit le los de sa bonté by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Pseaume 1 Qui au conseil des malins Et semblera un arbre grand et beau Mais les pervers n auront telles vertus Car l Eternel les iustes cognoist bien by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Pseaume 100 Vous tous qui la terr habitez Sachez qu il est le Souverain Car il est Dieu by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow


Pseaume 19 Les cieux en chacun lieu Et n y a nation Dont il sort ainsi beau by The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge Richard Marlow
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