Songs from A E Housman s A Shropshire Lad Album Free Download

  • Title: Songs from A E Housman s A Shropshire Lad
  • Artist: The Coull String Quartet, Graham Trew & Roger Vignoles
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 27
  • Release Date: January 3, 2010

Track List:


A Shropshire Lad No 2 When I was One and Twenty by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


A Shropshire Lad No 3 There Pass the Careless People by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


A Shropshire Lad No 4 In Summer Time on Bredon by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


A Shropshire Lad No 5 The Street Sounds to a Soldier s Tread by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


A Shropshire Lad No 6 On the Idle Hill of Summer by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


A Shropshire Lad No 7 White in the Moon the Long Road Lies by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


A Shropshire Lad No 9 Into My Heart an Air that Kills by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


A Shropshire Lad No 10 The Lads in their Hundreds to Ludlow Come in for the Fair by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


6 Songs from A Shropshire Lad No 1 Loveliest of Trees in E Major by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


6 Songs from A Shropshire Lad No 2 When I was One and Twenty in B Minor by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


6 Songs from A Shropshire Lad No 3 Look Not in my Eyes in F Major by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


6 Songs from A Shropshire Lad No 4 Think No More Lad in G Sharp Minor by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


6 Songs from A Shropshire Lad No 5 The Lads in Their Hundreds in F Sharp Major by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


6 Songs from A Shropshire Lad No 6 Is my Team Ploughing in G Minor by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


The Western Playland Golden Friends With Rue My Heart is Laden by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


The Western Playland The Aspens Along the Field by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


The Western Playland The Far Country Into My Heart an Air that Kills by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles


The Western Playland March The Sun at Noon to Higher Air by The Coull String Quartet Graham Trew Roger Vignoles
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