Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe and Their Big Swing Jazz Band Play Gene Roland Music feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six Album Free Download

  • Title: Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe and Their Big Swing Jazz Band Play Gene Roland Music feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six
  • Artist: Dick Meldonian & Sonny Igoe
  • Genre: Big Band
  • Total Track: 9
  • Release Date: January 1, 1999

Track List:


When You Done Went feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Sax Fifth Avenue feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Abscam feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Blues in One s Flat feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Papa Come Home feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Voice of the Virgo feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Moondog feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Richard s Almanac feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe


Road Stop feat Leo Ball Spanky Davis Chris Pasin Phil Sunkel Gene Hessler Dale Kirkland Jim Pugh Tony Salvatori Ed Wasserman Gerry Cappuccio Gary Keller Dick Bagni George Syran Jack Six by Dick Meldonian Sonny Igoe
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