Grétry L amant jaloux Album Free Download

  • Title: Grétry L amant jaloux
  • Artist: Ed Lyon, Celeste Lazarenko, Andrew Goodwin, Alexandra Oomens, Jessica Aszodi, David Greco, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 22
  • Release Date: February 3, 2017

Track List:


Les fausses apparences Act I Overture Live by Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act I Qu une fille de quinze ans Live by Jessica Aszodi Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act I Plus de sœur Plus de frère Live by David Greco Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Mandolin Concerto in G Major S 28 II Andante con variazioni Live by Stephen Lalor Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II Je romps la chaîne qui m engage Live by Celeste Lazarenko Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II Le mariage est une envie Live by David Greco Jessica Aszodi Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II La gloire vous appelle Live by David Greco Andrew Goodwin Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II Du moment qu on aime Live by Ed Lyon Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II D abord amants soumis et doux Live by Jessica Aszodi Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II Cruelle De ma douleur mortelle Live by Ed Lyon Celeste Lazarenko Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II Tandis que tout sommeille Live by Andrew Goodwin Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act II Jamais le cœur de Léonore Live by Ed Lyon Celeste Lazarenko Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act III O douce nuit sous ton ombre paisible Live by Alexandra Oomens Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Les fausses apparences Act III Je sens bien que votre hommage Live by Alexandra Oomens Andrew Goodwin Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


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