Smetana Prodana nevesta Sung in German Live Album Free Download

  • Title: Smetana Prodana nevesta Sung in German Live
  • Artist: Irmgard Seefried, Waldemar Kmentt, Oscar Czerwenka, Murray Dickie, Rosette Anday, Hilde Konetzni, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera & Berislav Klobucar
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 31
  • Release Date: January 1, 2016

Track List:


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act I Warum soltten wir nicht froh sein Live by Chorus of the Vienna State Opera Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act I Wenn ich das einmal erfahre Live by Irmgard Seefried Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act I Weiss nicht mal woher du kommst Muttersegen schafft dir Heimat Live by Irmgard Seefried Waldemar Kmentt Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act I Finale Polka Heissa Mudel tanz die Polka Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar Chorus of the Vienna State Opera


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Furiant Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Ma mein Mutterlein ha hat zu mir gesagt Live by Berislav Klobucar Murray Dickie Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Seid Ihr nicht der Brautigam von Kruschinas Mariechen Live by Irmgard Seefried Murray Dickie Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar



Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Wie gesagt sie ist jung hubsch und arbeitsam Live by Waldemar Kmentt Oscar Czerwenka Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Nun mein Freundchen hor doch zu Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar Waldemar Kmentt Oscar Czerwenka


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Ich weiss ein Mudel das hat Dukaten Live by Waldemar Kmentt Oscar Czerwenka Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Wenn du mir die Marie sein lasst Live by Waldemar Kmentt Oscar Czerwenka Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act II Wart nur wart bis die Augen dir aufgehn Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar Waldemar Kmentt


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act III Wa was soll ich nur ma machen Live by Murray Dickie Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act III Komodlanten Marsch Fanfare Hiermit tun wir dem hochedlen Publikum kund Live by Laszlo Szemere Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act III Springtanz Ballett und Vorfuhrungen der Wandertruppe Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act III Na mein Lieber sagt euch gefallt wohl Esmeralda Live by Murray Dickie Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar Laszlo Szemere Liselotte Maikl


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act III Ein gar husbsches Tierchen Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar Laszlo Szemere Liselotte Maikl


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act III O tut das wehl Mein Liebestraum wie war er so schon Live by Irmgard Seefried Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Prodana nevesta Sung in German Act III Finale Sag uns wie hast du entschieden Marie Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar
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