Handel Music for Queen Caroline Album Free Download

  • Title: Handel Music for Queen Caroline
  • Artist: Les Arts Florissants & William Christie
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 24
  • Release Date: December 1, 2014

Track List:


The King Shall Rejoice HWV 260 I The King Shall Rejoice by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The King Shall Rejoice HWV 260 II Exceeding Glad Shall He Be by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The King Shall Rejoice HWV 260 III Glory and Worship Hast Thou Laid upon Him by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The King Shall Rejoice HWV 260 IV Alleluja by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


Te Deum in D Major Queen Caroline HWV 280 I We Praise thee O God by Les Arts Florissants William Christie Tim Mead Sean Clayton Lisandro Abadie


Te Deum in D Major Queen Caroline HWV 280 II The Glorious Company of the Apostles by Les Arts Florissants Tim Mead Sean Clayton Lisandro Abadie William Christie


Te Deum in D Major Queen Caroline HWV 280 III When Thou Tookest upon Thee by Les Arts Florissants Lisandro Abadie Tim Mead William Christie Sean Clayton


Te Deum in D Major Queen Caroline HWV 280 IV Day by Day We Magnify You by Les Arts Florissants Tim Mead Lisandro Abadie Sean Clayton William Christie



Te Deum in D Major Queen Caroline HWV 280 VI O Lord in Thee I Have Trusted by Les Arts Florissants Sean Clayton William Christie Lisandro Abadie Tim Mead


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 I Symphony by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 II The Ways of Zion Do Mourn by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 III How are the Mighty Fall n by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 IV She Put on Righteousness by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 V When the Ear Heard Her by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 VI How are the Migthy Fall n Choeur 2 by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 VII She Deliver d the Poor that Cried by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 VIII How are the Migthy Fall n Choeur 3 by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 IX The Righteous Shall be Had by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 X Their Bodies are Buried in Peace by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 XI The People Will Tell of their Wisdom by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 XII They Shall Receive a Glorious Kingdom by Les Arts Florissants William Christie


The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline HWV 264 XIII The Merciful Goodness of the Lord by Les Arts Florissants William Christie
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