École de Notre Dame de Paris Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin Album Free Download

  • Title: École de Notre Dame de Paris Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin
  • Artist: Ensemble Organum & Marcel Pérès
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 12
  • Release Date: January 1, 1995

Track List:


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin I Conduit monodique Beata viscera Marie Virginis by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin II Conduit à quatre voix Deus misertus hominis by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin III Introït Salve sancta parens by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin IV Kyrie à deux voix by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin V Graduel à deux voix Benedicta et venerabilis by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin VI Alléluia à trois voix Nativitas gloriose virginis Marie by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin VII Offertoire Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin VIII Preface by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin IX Sanctus à deux voix Sanctorum exultatio by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin X Agnus Dei à deux voix Fons indeficiens caritatis by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin XI Communion Beata viscera Marie virginis by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès


Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin XII Benedicamus Domino à deux voix by Ensemble Organum Marcel Pérès
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