Golijov Ayre Berio Folksongs Album Free Download

  • Title: Golijov Ayre Berio Folksongs
  • Artist: Dawn Upshaw & The Andalucian Dogs
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 22
  • Release Date: January 1, 2005

Track List:


Ayre I Mananita de San Juan Morning of St John s Day by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre II Una Madre Comió Asado A Mother Roasted Her Child by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre III Tancas Serradas a Muru Walls Are Encircling the Land by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre IV Tancas Serradas a Muru Walls Are Encircling the Land by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre VII Aiini Taqttiru My Eyes Weep by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre VIII Kun Li Guitari Wataran Ayyuha Al Maa Be a String Water to My Guitar by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre IX Sueltate las Cintas Untie Your Ribbons by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre X Yah Anna Emtzacha Oh Where Shall I Find You by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Ayre XI Ariadna en Su Laberinto Ariadne in Her Labyrinth by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion I Black Is the Colour USA by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion II I Wonder As I Wander USA by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion III Loosin Yelav Armenia by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion IV Rosssignolet Du Bois France by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion V A la Femminisca Sicily by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion VI La Donna Ideale Italy by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion VII Ballo Italy by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion VIII Motettu de Tristura Sardinia by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion IX Malorous Qu o Uno Fenno Auvergne France by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion X Lo Fiolaire Auvergne France by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs


Folk Songs for Mezzo Soprano Winds Strings and Percussion XI Azerbaijan Love Song Azerbaijan by Dawn Upshaw The Andalucian Dogs
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