The Pure Voice of Emma Kirkby Album Free Download

  • Title: The Pure Voice of Emma Kirkby
  • Artist: Dame Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music & Christopher Hogwood
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 17
  • Release Date: January 1, 1998

Track List:


Nulla in Mundo Pax R 630 1 Nulla in Mundo Pax Larghetto by Dame Emma Kirkby Christopher Hogwood Academy of Ancient Music


Nulla in Mundo Pax R 630 Blande Colore Spirat Anguis Inter Flores by Dame Emma Kirkby Christopher Hogwood Academy of Ancient Music


Second Booke of Songes 1600 1 I Saw My Lady Weep by Dame Emma Kirkby Anthony Rooley


The Creation Die Schöpfung With Verdure Clad the Fields Appear by Dame Emma Kirkby Christopher Hogwood Academy of Ancient Music
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