Bach St Matthew Passion Album Free Download

  • Title: Bach St Matthew Passion
  • Artist: The Bach Choir, Thames Chamber Orchestra & Sir David Willcocks
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 78
  • Release Date: January 1, 1979

Track List:


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus Come ye daughters share my mourning by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative When Jesus had completed all by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative At that time there assembled the chief priests by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus Not upon the feast by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative Now when Jesus was in Bethany by Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Robert Tear


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus To what purpose is this waste by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative When Jesus understood it by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative Then went one of the disciples by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative Now on the first day of the unleavened bread by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus Where where where wilt thou by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recit Chorus He said Go to one in the city yonder by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks The Bach Choir John Shirley Quirk Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus Tis I whose sins have bound thee by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative He answered them and said by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative Although our eyes with tears o erflow by Dame Felicity Lott Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Michael Dobson Lorraine Wood


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recit And after they had sung a hymn together by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus Receive me my Redeemer by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus Here would I stand beside Thee by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative Then came Jesus with them by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative O grief how throbs this heavy laden breast by Neil Jenkins Sir David Willcocks The Bach Choir Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Aria I would beside my Lord be watching by Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Neil Jenkins Michael Dobson


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recit The Saviour low before His father bending by Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Stephen Roberts


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Aria Gladly would I take upon me by Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Stephen Roberts


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative And he came to his disciples by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorale O Father let thy will be done by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative And he came again and found them sleeping by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk John King


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative And behold one of the others by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Shirley Quirk


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus O man thy grievous sin bemoan by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Aria Chorus Ah now is my Saviour gone by Alfreda Hodgson Sir David Willcocks The Bach Choir Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recit And they that had laid hold on Jesus by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus How falsely doth the world accuse by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative Yea though many lying witnesses came forward by Michael Pierce Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Malcolm Arthur Robert Tear Richard Jackson


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recitative He holds His peace by Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Neil Jenkins


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recit Chorus And then with one accord they did spit by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks The Bach Choir Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus O Lord who dares to smite Thee by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recit And then began he to curse and to swear by Robert Tear Sir David Willcocks The Bach Choir John Shirley Quirk Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Aria Have mercy Lord have mercy Lord on me by Alfreda Hodgson Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra John Bacon


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Chorus Lamb of God I fall before Thee by The Bach Choir Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Recit And he cast the silver pieces down in the temple by Michael Pierce Sir David Willcocks Thames Chamber Orchestra Robert Tear Malcolm Arthur
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