Del Tredici Syzygy Vintage Alice Songs Album Free Download

  • Title: Del Tredici Syzygy Vintage Alice Songs
  • Artist: Lucy Shelton, Asko Ensemble & Oliver Knussen
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 20
  • Release Date: January 1, 2003

Track List:


Syzygy for Soprano Horn Chimes and Chamber Ensemble 1968 I Ecce Puer by Lucy Shelton Oliver Knussen Asko Ensemble Peppie Wiersma Wim Vos


Syzygy for Soprano Horn Chimes and Chamber Ensemble 1968 II Night Piece by Lucy Shelton Oliver Knussen Asko Ensemble Peppie Wiersma Wim Vos


Four Songs On Poems By James Joyce I Dove Song by Lucy Shelton David Del Tredici


Four Songs On Poems By James Joyce II She Weeps Over Rahoon by Lucy Shelton David Del Tredici


Four Songs On Poems By James Joyce III A Flower Given to My Daughter by Lucy Shelton David Del Tredici


Four Songs On Poems By James Joyce IV Monotone by Lucy Shelton David Del Tredici


Two Songs On Poems By James Joyce I Bahnhofstrasse by Lucy Shelton David Del Tredici


Two Songs On Poems By James Joyce II Alone by Lucy Shelton David Del Tredici


Vintage Alice I Introduction First Evocation of the Queen by Lucy Shelton Oliver Knussen Asko Ensemble


Vintage Alice III The Mad Hatter s Song Verse I the Star Verses I and II by Lucy Shelton Oliver Knussen Asko Ensemble


Vintage Alice IV Second Evocation of the Queen by Lucy Shelton Oliver Knussen Asko Ensemble


Vintage Alice VI The Mad Hatter s Song Verse II by Lucy Shelton Oliver Knussen Asko Ensemble
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