The Passion of Octavius Catto feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers Album Free Download

  • Title: The Passion of Octavius Catto feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers
  • Artist: Uri Caine & André Raphel
  • Genre: Contemporary Era
  • Total Track: 11
  • Release Date: August 30, 2019

Track List:


Prologue feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers by Uri Caine André Raphel


The Mob Burns Down Pennsylvania Hall May 17 1838 feat The Catto Freedom Orchestra by Uri Caine André Raphel


No East No West feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers by Uri Caine André Raphel


The Philadelphia Streetcar Protests March 1867 feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers by Uri Caine André Raphel


Baseball Star of 1867 feat The Catto Freedom Orchestra by Uri Caine André Raphel


Change feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers by Uri Caine André Raphel


The Amendments feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers by Uri Caine André Raphel


Murder October 10 1871 feat The Catto Freedom Orchestra by Uri Caine André Raphel


The Lament of Caroline Le Count feat The Catto Freedom Orchestra Barbra Walker by Uri Caine André Raphel


The Martyr Rests October 16 1871 feat Barbara Walker The Catto Freedom Orchestra The Philadelphia Choral Ensemble the Nedra Neal Singers by Uri Caine André Raphel
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