Прокофьев Кантата к двадцатилетию Октября соч 74 и Скифская сюита соч 20 Album Free Download

  • Title: Прокофьев Кантата к двадцатилетию Октября соч 74 и Скифская сюита соч 20
  • Artist: Republican Russian Academic Choir Capella & Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Genre: Choral
  • Total Track: 13
  • Release Date: January 1, 2005

Track List:


Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution Op 74 I Introduction A Spectre is Haunting Europe The Spectre of Communism by Kirill Kondrashin Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra Духовой оркестр Академии имени Фрунзе



Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution Op 74 IV Marching in Close Ranks by Republican Russian Academic Choir Capella Alexander Yurlov Kirill Kondrashin Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra



Scythian Suite Op 20 I Invocation to Veles and Ala by Kirill Kondrashin Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra


Scythian Suite Op 20 II The Evil God and the Dance of the Pagan Monsters by Kirill Kondrashin Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra


Scythian Suite Op 20 IV The Glorious Departure of Lolli and the Cortège of the Sun by Kirill Kondrashin Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra
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