Mate Balota feat Marija Crnobori Vlatko Stefanovski KLAPA FORTUNAL Elvis Stanic Elis Lovric Stjepan Hauser Tina Vukov BIG BAND HRT Tamara Obrovac Radojka Sverko KLAPA TERANKE Lidija Percan Jano Valle Noel Šuran Zoran Karlic Nenad Bach Putokazi Edin Karamazov Robert Ferlin MERI CETINIĆ Marija Kuhar Šoša Elda Krajcar Percan Klapa Pinguentum Mate Balota Lovro Raic is one of the gorgeous album of
BRUNO KRAJCAR . Album's primary genre is
Jazz , it was released on
January 1, 2020 and contains
16 tracks
of duration
57 minutes and 33 seconds with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound.. .
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