Great Performances Mussorgsky Scenes from Boris Godunov Pictures at an Exhibition Album Free Download

  • Title: Great Performances Mussorgsky Scenes from Boris Godunov Pictures at an Exhibition
  • Artist: Thomas Schippers, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, George London, Mildred Allen & The Philadelphia Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 26
  • Release Date: May 25, 2006

Track List:


Boris Godunov Prologue Scene 2 The square in the Moscow Kremlin Da zdrávstvuyet Tsar Borís Feódorovich Prince Shuiski Long live Tsar Boris Feodorovich by Bliss Hebert Mildred Allen Stanley Kolk Howard Fried George London Columbia Symphony Chorus Columbia Symphony Orchestra


Boris Godunov Boris Monologue from Act II Dostig ya vïsshey vlasti I have attained the highest power by Bliss Hebert Mildred Allen Stanley Kolk Howard Fried George London Columbia Symphony Orchestra Columbia Symphony Chorus


Boris Godunov Ne kázen strashná strashná tvoyá nemílost It is not death that is hard to bear by Bliss Hebert Mildred Allen Stanley Kolk Howard Fried George London Columbia Symphony Orchestra Columbia Symphony Chorus


Boris Godunov Bori s Farewell to his Son and Death of Boris from Act IV Scene II Ostav te nas Ujdite vse Need english translation by Bliss Hebert Mildred Allen Stanley Kolk Howard Fried George London Columbia Symphony Chorus Columbia Symphony Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade Allegro giusto nel modo russico senza allegrezza ma poco sostenuto by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition I Gnomus The Gnome Vivo by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade Moderato comodo e con delicatezza by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition II Il vecchio castello The old castle Andante molto cantabile e con dolore by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade Moderato non tanto pesamente by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition III Tuileries Children s dispute after game Allegretto non troppo capriccioso by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition IV Bydlo Sempre moderato pesante by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade Tranquillo by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition V Ballet des petits poussins dans leurs coques Ballet of the unhatched chickens Scherzino Vivo leggiero by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition VI Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle Andante by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition VII Limoges le marché The market place of Limoges Allegretto vivo sempre scherzando by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition VIII Catacombae Sepulchrum Romanum Catacombs A Roman Grave Largo by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition Cum mortuis in lingua morta With the dead in a dead language Andante non troppo con lamento by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition IX La cabane de Baba Yaga sur des pattes de poule The hut of Baba Yaga on chicken s legs Allegro con brio feroce Andante mosso Allegro molto by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition X La grande porte de Kiev The great gate of Kiev Allegro alla breve Maestoso Con grandezza by Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra
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