Adam giselle Album Free Download

  • Title: Adam giselle
  • Artist: Robert Irving & Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 9
  • Release Date: January 1, 1955

Track List:


Giselle Act I No 2 Entrance of the Prince and Giselle by Robert Irving Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden


Giselle Act I No 7 Marche des vignerons Solo of Giselle by Robert Irving Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden


Giselle Act II No 10 Appearance of Myrtha and Pass of the first Willis by Robert Irving Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden


Giselle Act II No 13 Meeting of the Prince and Giselle by Robert Irving Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
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