Rameau Dardanus Album Free Download

  • Title: Rameau Dardanus
  • Artist: Pinchgut Opera & Antony Walker
  • Genre: Opera
  • Total Track: 56
  • Release Date: January 13, 2007

Track List:



Dardanus Act I Scene II Ma fille enfin le ciel seconde mon courroux Teucer Iphise by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Stephen Bennett Antony Walker


Dardanus Act I Scene III Princesse après l espoir Anténor Iphise by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Antony Walker


Dardanus Act I Scene III Par des nœuds solemnels Manes plaintifs Teucer Anténor by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Stephen Bennett Antony Walker


Dardanus Act I Scene III Par des jeux éclatans Teucer Anténor Choeur des Peuples et des Guerriers phrygiens by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Stephen Bennett Antony Walker


Dardanus Act I Scene III Entrée pour les Guerriers by Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act I Scene III Air Vif Allez jeune guerrier Une Phrygienne by Miriam Allan Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act I Scene III Mars Bellone Guerriers je remplirai bientôt votre espérance Anténor Teucer Choeur by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Stephen Bennett Antony Walker


Dardanus Act I Scene IV Je cède au trouble affreux Iphise by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene I Tout l avenir est présent à mes yeux Isménor by Damian Whiteley Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene II On vient c est Dardanus Isménor Dardanus by Damian Whiteley Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene III Entendez ma voix souveraine Hâtons nous Isménor Choeur des Ministres d Isménor by Cantillation Damian Whiteley Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker



Dardanus Act II Scene III Suspens ta brillante carriere Isménor by Damian Whiteley Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene III Nos cris ont pénétré jusqu au sombre séjour Isménor by Damian Whiteley Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene III Obéïs aux lois des enfers Choeur des Ministres d Isménor by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene IV Je viens vous confier le trouble de mon coeur Anténor Dardauns by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Paul Whelan Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene V Je la vois Quels transports ont passé dans mon âme Dardanus Iphise by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene V Par l effort de votre art terrible Iphise Dardanus by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene V D un penchant si fatal Iphise Dardanus by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene V Que ne puis je exprimer tout l amour qui l anime Dardanus Iphise by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene VI Elle fuit Mais j ai vû sa tendresse Dardanus by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act II Scene VI Entracte Bruit de guerre by Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker



Dardanus Act III Scene II Princesse enfin la paix va combler mon attente Anténor Iphise Choeur des Phrygiens by Cantillation Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Antony Walker


Dardanus Act III Scene III Menuets I II Volez Plaisirs volez Une Phrygienne by Anna Fraser Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act III Scene III Tambourins I II by Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act III Scene IV Cessez vos jeux Teucer Anténor by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Stephen Bennett Antony Walker


Dardanus Act III Scene IV Allez et remportez une illustre victoire Choeur des Phrygiens by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene I Lieux funestes Dardanus by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker



Dardanus Act IV Scene I Malgré le dieu des mers Vénus by Orchestra of the Antipodes Penelope Mills Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene I Venez Songes flatteurs Vénus by Orchestra of the Antipodes Penelope Mills Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene II Par un sommeil agréable Les trois Songes choeur des Songes by Cantillation Corin Bone Dan Walker Miriam Allan Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene II Un monstre furieux désole ce rivage Isménor by Damian Whiteley Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene II Ah que votre sort est charmant Un Songe by Miriam Allan Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene II Il est temps de courir aux armes Les trois Songes choeur des Songes by Antony Walker Cantillation Corin Bone Dan Walker Miriam Allan Orchestra of the Antipodes


Dardanus Act IV Scene III Où suis je Dardanus by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene III Hâtons nous courons à la gloire Dardanus by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene IV Voici les tristes lieux Anténor by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene IV Monstre affreux monstre redoutable Anténor by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene IV Quel bruit quelle tempête horrible Scene V Mon rival va périr Le monstre est abbatu Dardanus Anténor by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Paul Whelan Antony Walker


Dardanus Act IV Scene V Quel est donc le héros qui conserve mes jours Anténor Dardanus by Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Paul Whelan Antony Walker


Dardanus Act V Scene I Anténor est victorieux Choeur des Phrygiens Teucer Anténor Iphise by Cantillation Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Whelan Stephen Bennett Antony Walker


Dardanus Act V Scene II Frappe délivre toi d un rival odieux Dardanus Anténor Iphise Teucer by Kathryn McCusker Orchestra of the Antipodes Paul Agnew Paul Whelan Stephen Bennett Antony Walker


Dardanus Act V Scene II J éprouve tour à tour mille troubles divers Scene III Mais un nouvel éclat embellit l univers Teucer by Orchestra of the Antipodes Stephen Bennett Antony Walker
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