Hallelujah A Celebration of Baroque Choruses Album Free Download

  • Title: Hallelujah A Celebration of Baroque Choruses
  • Artist: Orchestra of the Antipodes, Cantillation & Antony Walker
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 27
  • Release Date: April 21, 2007

Track List:


Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben Cantata BWV 147 10 Jesus bleibet meine Freude by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Brett Weymark


Cantata BWV 140 Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme 4 Zion hört die Wächter singen by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Brett Weymark


Judas Maccabaeus HWV 63 Mourn Ye Afflicted Children by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker



The Fairy Queen Z629 Now Joyn Your Warbling Voices All Sing While We Trip It upon the Green by Belinda Montgomery Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


The Fairy Queen Z629 Hush No More Be Silent All by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


The Fairy Queen Z 629 Act IV Hail Great Parent of Us All by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


L Orfeo Act I Lasciate i monti Vieni Imeneo deh vieni by Cantillation Orchestra of the Antipodes Antony Walker


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Befiehl du deine Wege by Cantillation Antony Walker


Semele HWV 58 Act I Lucky Omens Bless Our Rites by Cantillation Antony Walker Sirius Ensemble


Semele HWV 58 Act II Now Love That Everlasting Boy Invites by Cantillation Sirius Ensemble Antony Walker


Dardanus Act III Scene III Que l on chante que l on s empresse Choeur des Phrygiens by Orchestra of the Antipodes Cantillation Antony Walker


Messiah HWV 56 Pt 1 4 And the Glory of the Lord by Orchestra of the Antipodes Cantillation Antony Walker


Messiah HWV 56 Pt 1 12 For unto Us a Child Is Born by Orchestra of the Antipodes Cantillation Antony Walker
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