Mozart Don Giovanni K 527 Remastered 2022 Live Album Free Download

  • Title: Mozart Don Giovanni K 527 Remastered 2022 Live
  • Artist: Vienna Philharmonic, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Tito Gobbi, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf & Erich Kunz
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 63
  • Release Date: March 18, 2022

Track List:


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Overture Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 1 Notte e giorno faticar Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Erich Kunz Ljuba Welitsch Tito Gobbi Josef Greindl


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 1 Ah soccorso Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Josef Greindl Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 3 Ah Del padre in periglio Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Ljuba Welitsch Anton Dermota


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 3 Fuggi crudele fuggi Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Ljuba Welitsch Anton Dermota


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 4 Orsù spicciati presto Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 5 Ah chi mi dice mai Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 5 Stelle Che vedo Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz Elisabeth Schwarzkopf


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 5 Madamina il catalogo è questo Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Erich Kunz Elisabeth Schwarzkopf


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 7 Giovinette che fate all amore Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Chorus of the Vienna State Opera Wilhelm Furtwängler Irmgard Seefried Alfred Poell


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 8 Manco male è partita Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz Irmgard Seefried Alfred Poell


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 8 Ho capito signor sì Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Alfred Poell


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 9 Alfin siamo liberati Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Irmgard Seefried


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 9 Là ci darem la mano Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Irmgard Seefried


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 10 Férmati scellerato Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Irmgard Seefried Tito Gobbi


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 10 Ah fuggi il traditor Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Elisabeth Schwarzkopf


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 11 Mi par ch oggi il demonio Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Anton Dermota Ljuba Welitsch


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 12 Povera sventurata Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 13 Don Ottavio son morta Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Ljuba Welitsch Anton Dermota


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 13 Or sai chi l onore Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Ljuba Welitsch


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 14 Come mai creder deggio Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Anton Dermota


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 14 Dalla sua pace Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Anton Dermota


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 15 Io deggio ad ogni patto Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Erich Kunz Tito Gobbi


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 15 Finch han dal vino Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 16 Batti batti o bel Masetto Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Irmgard Seefried


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 16 Masetto senti un po Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Irmgard Seefried Alfred Poell


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 17 Guarda un po come seppe Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Alfred Poell Tito Gobbi Irmgard Seefried



Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 19 Tra quest arbori celata Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Irmgard Seefried Tito Gobbi Alfred Poell


Don Giovanni K 527 Act I Scene 20 Protegga il giusto cielo Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Ljuba Welitsch Anton Dermota Elisabeth Schwarzkopf


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 1 Eh via buffone non mi seccar Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 1 Leporello Signore Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 2 Ah taci ingiusto core Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Erich Kunz Tito Gobbi


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 2 Amico che ti par Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Erich Kunz Elisabeth Schwarzkopf


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 3 Deh vieni alla finestra Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 4 V è gente alla finestra Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Alfred Poell


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 4 Metà di voi qua vadano Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 5 Lascia ch io senta Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Tito Gobbi Alfred Poell Irmgard Seefried


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 5 Vedrai carino Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Irmgard Seefried


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 7 Ah Non lasciarmi Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Erich Kunz


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 9 Dunque quello sei tu Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Anton Dermota Alfred Poell


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 9 Ah pietà signori miei Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Erich Kunz


Don Giovanni K 527 Act II Scene 10 Il mio tesoro intanto Remastered 2022 Live by Vienna Philharmonic Wilhelm Furtwängler Anton Dermota
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