Gilbert Sullivan Highlights from The Mikado The Pirates of Penzance H M S Pinafore The Yeomen of the Guard and Trial by Jury Album Free Download

  • Title: Gilbert Sullivan Highlights from The Mikado The Pirates of Penzance H M S Pinafore The Yeomen of the Guard and Trial by Jury
  • Artist: Sir Charles Mackerras, Welsh National Opera Chorus & Welsh National Opera Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 28
  • Release Date: January 23, 1996

Track List:


The Mikado Act II Song On a Tree by a River a Little Tom Tit Sang Willow Tit Willow by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Richard Stuart


H M S Pinafore Act I Introduction and Opening Chorus We Sail the Ocean Blue by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Welsh National Opera Chorus


H M S Pinafore Act I Recitative and Aria I m Called Little Buttercup by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Felicity Palmer


The Pirates of Penzance Act I Song I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Chorus Welsh National Opera Orchestra Richard Stuart


The Pirates of Penzance Act II Duet Ah Leave Me Not to Pine Excerpt by Sir Charles Mackerras Scottish Chamber Orchestra John Mark Ainsley Rebecca Evans


The Yeomen of the Guard Act II Song Oh a Private Buffoon Is a Light Hearted Loon by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Richard Stuart


Trial by Jury Song When I Good Friends Was Called to the Bar by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Richard Stuart
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