Gilbert and Sullivan Album Free Download

  • Title: Gilbert and Sullivan
  • Artist: Sir Charles Mackerras, Welsh National Opera Orchestra & Welsh National Opera Chorus
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 119
  • Release Date: July 1, 1999

Track List:



The Mikado Act II Recitative and Song Alone and Yet Alive by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra


The Mikado Act II Song On a Tree by a River a Little Tom Tit Sang Willow Tit Willow by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Richard Stuart



The Yeomen of the Guard Act I Double Chorus Tower Warders Under Orders This the Autumn of Our Life by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Chorus Welsh National Opera Orchestra Ralph Mason Philip Lloyd Evans Felicity Palmer


The Yeomen of the Guard Act I Song with Chorus When Our Gallant Norman Foes by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Chorus Welsh National Opera Orchestra Peter Hoare


The Yeomen of the Guard Act I Song I ve Jibe and Joke and Quip and Crank by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Alwyn Mellor


The Yeomen of the Guard Act I Recitative and Song Tis Done I Am a Bride Though Tear and Long Drawn Sigh by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Alwyn Mellor


The Yeomen of the Guard Act II Song Oh a Private Buffoon Is a Light Hearted Loon by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Richard Stuart


The Yeomen of the Guard Act II Ballad Free from His Fetters Grim by Sir Charles Mackerras Welsh National Opera Orchestra Neil Archer
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