Alessandro Scarlatti Con eco d amore Album Free Download

  • Title: Alessandro Scarlatti Con eco d amore
  • Artist: Laurence Cummings, The English Concert & Elizabeth Watts
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 19
  • Release Date: October 9, 2015

Track List:


Griselda Op 114 RosS 357 66 Aria Figlio Tiranno O Dio by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


Non so qual più m ingombra Aria Nacque col Gran Messia by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


La Santissima Vergine del Rosario Aria Mentr io godo in dolce oblio by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


Correa nel seno amato RosS 383 14 IV Aria Ombre Opache by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


Erminia RosS 374 26 Recitativo Qui dove al germogliar by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert



Mitridate Eupatore Recitativo O vane speme Aria Cara tomba del mio diletto by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


Scipione nelle Spagne Aria Ergiti Amor su i vanni by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


Mitridate Eupatore Aria Dolce stimolo al tuo bel cor by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


Venere Amore e Ragione Aria D amor l accesa face by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert


La Statira RosS 339 17 Aria Io non son di quei campioni by Elizabeth Watts Laurence Cummings The English Concert
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