Harrison Birtwistle Gawain 1994 Revised Version Album Free Download

  • Title: Harrison Birtwistle Gawain 1994 Revised Version
  • Artist: Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
  • Genre: Classical Crossover
  • Total Track: 66
  • Release Date: August 5, 2014

Track List:


Gawain Act I The Story Begins Night After Night 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Anne Howells Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Door Knock Prophesies Threats This Is the Hour of Legacy or Loss 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Anne Howells Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Another Riddle Something Stranger Than Charity 1994 Revised Version by Omar Ebrahim Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Door Knock Prophesies Threats Now Is the Hour of Legacy or Loss 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Anne Howells Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Entrance of the Green Knight Now I Shall Test His Strength 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Anne Howells Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I The Green Knight Rides into the Court 1994 Revised Version by Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act I The Court s Reaction Gawain Accepts the Challenge God s Name 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Kevin Smith John Marsden Alan Ewing François Le Roux Sir John Tomlinson Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I The Raising of the Axe 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Time Frozen This Is the Moment That Waited for You 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Anne Howells Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Omar Ebrahim Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I The Severed Head Instructs Gawain My Title Is Knight of the Green Chapel 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Sir John Tomlinson François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I The Green Knight Rides Off 1994 Revised Version by Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act I Prophesies Threats Now That You ve Seen Its Face 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Anne Howells Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Richard Greager Elgar Howarth



Gawain Act I Tableau IIa Spring Day 1994 Revised Version by Royal Opera Chorus Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Tableau IIIa Summer Day 1994 Revised Version by Royal Opera Chorus Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Tableau IVa Autumn Day 1994 Revised Version by Royal Opera Chorus Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Tableau Va Winter II Day 1994 Revised Version by Royal Opera Chorus Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act I Tableau Vc Winter II Coda Now with a Single Step 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II Morgan le Fay s Prediction Now with a Single Step 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Marie Angel François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II The Journey 1994 Revised Version by Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act II A Glimpse Soon What You Most Love 1994 Revised Version by Sir John Tomlinson Anne Howells Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act II The Journey Continues A Single Step 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Marie Angel François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II A Glimpse of the Future Soon What You Want You ll Have 1994 Revised Version by Anne Howells Sir John Tomlinson Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act II The Journey Continues A Day Another Day a Week of Days 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Marie Angel François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II A Glimpse of the Future Soon You ll See Its Face 1994 Revised Version by Anne Howells Sir John Tomlinson Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act II The Journey Continues Another Mile Another Day Another Week 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Marie Angel François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II A Glimpse of the Future This Is the Hour of Vanity or Choice 1994 Revised Version by Anne Howells Sir John Tomlinson Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act II The Journey Continues Mile After Mile Day After Day Week After Week 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Sir John Tomlinson Anne Howells Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II Bertilak de Hautdesert s Welcome Gawain s Foreboding My Food My Wine My Hearth 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Sir John Tomlinson Marie Angel François Le Roux Anne Howells Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II The First Lullaby Lie Down Without Fear of the Dark 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Marie Angel François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II The First Hunt Temptation The Door Was Unlocked 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Anne Howells François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II An Aside from Morgan le Fay A Gift He Must Not Refuse 1994 Revised Version by Marie Angel Elgar Howarth Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Gawain Act II Bertilak de Hautdesert s Return Who s There 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House François Le Roux Marie Angel Sir John Tomlinson Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II The Second Lullaby Lie Down Without Fear of the Dark 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Marie Angel François Le Roux Elgar Howarth


Gawain Act II The Second Hunt Temptation Are You Gawain 1994 Revised Version by Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Anne Howells François Le Roux Elgar Howarth
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