L homme armé Musique de guerre et de paix 1450 1650 Album Free Download

  • Title: L homme armé Musique de guerre et de paix 1450 1650
  • Artist: Joel Cohen & The Boston Camerata
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 16
  • Release Date: January 1, 1984

Track List:


Il sera pour vous conbatu L homme armé Instrumental Version by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata Boston Shawm Sackbut Ensemble


Una sañosa porfía No 327 from Cancionero de Palacio by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata


Ottavo libro de madrigali Guerrieri et amorosi No 1 Altri canti d amor SV 146 by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata Boston Shawm Sackbut Ensemble


Concerti Libro II No 66 Bataglia Sento sent un rumor by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata


Het derdren musyck boexken Danserye No 41 Pavane IV La bataille With Anonymous Battle Songs by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata Boston Shawm Sackbut Ensemble


The Battaile XII The Buriing of the dead No 39 from Elizabeth Rogers Virginal Book by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata


Libros de música en cifra Libro III Romanza II Triste estava el Rey David by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata


Symphoniae sacrae I Op 6 No 13 Fili mi Absalon SWV 269 by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata Boston Shawm Sackbut Ensemble


Il secondo libro de madrigali No 18 Quivi sospiri pianti by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata


150 Pseaumes de David No 13 O combien est plaisant 1568 Version by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata Boston Shawm Sackbut Ensemble


Hashirim asher leSholomo No 16 Kaddish a 5 Yitgadal veyitkadash by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata Boston Shawm Sackbut Ensemble


Psalmes Songs and Sonnets No 30 Turn our Captivity O Lord by Joel Cohen The Boston Camerata Boston Shawm Sackbut Ensemble
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