Parry Judith Album Free Download

  • Title: Parry Judith
  • Artist: William Vann, London Mozart Players, Toby Spence, Kathryn Rudge, Sarah Fox, Henry Waddington, William Whitehead & Children's Choir
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 41
  • Release Date: February 28, 2020

Track List:


Judith Act I Scene 1 Moloch Processional Music of Worshippers Hail Moloch Worshippers by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 1 Moloch Draw near and worship O my people Manasseh by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 1 Moloch Hear ye the word of your god High Priest by William Vann London Mozart Players Henry Waddington Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 1 Moloch Hail thou art highly favoured King Worshippers My children s Moloch s Manasseh by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 1 Moloch Hearken O King High Priest by William Vann London Mozart Players Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 2 The Children Dialogue Andante sostenuto O mother tell us once again Children and Meshullemeth by William Vann London Mozart Players Kathryn Rudge Children s Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 2 The Children Ballad Long since in Egypt s plenteous land Meshullemeth and Children by William Vann London Mozart Players Kathryn Rudge Children s Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 2 The Children Great Queen the King calls for his children Chorus of Priests of Moloch Meshullemeth and by William Vann London Mozart Players Kathryn Rudge Children s Chorus Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 2 The Children Lady thou Queen of Israel Judith by William Vann London Mozart Players Sarah Fox Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 3 The Sacrifice Moloch Moloch give ear Chorus of Priests My people see the holy children come Mana by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 3 The Sacrifice Stay your hideous mockeries Judith by William Vann London Mozart Players Sarah Fox Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 3 The Sacrifice Now shall the Lord Jehovah visit you Judith by William Vann London Mozart Players Sarah Fox Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 3 The Sacrifice Who is this that raileth at Moloch Worshippers of Moloch by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 3 The Sacrifice O King give ear Messenger by William Vann London Mozart Players Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act I Scene 3 The Sacrifice Fear not my people Manasseh by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Finale The Coming of the Assyrians The host of Assur is like a swarm of locusts Worshippers of Moloch by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Finale The Coming of the Assyrians Jerusalem was loved of the Lord Judith by William Vann London Mozart Players Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Finale The Coming of the Assyrians Moloch Moloch hear us now Priests of Moloch Rise in might and scatter our foes by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Finale The Coming of the Assyrians Fly Fly The host of Assur is come on us People by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Finale The Coming of the Assyrians Jerusalem that was Queen of the nations People by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Intermezzo Babylon The Repentance of Manasseh Lento espressivo I will bear the indignation of God Manasseh by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 1 The Return of Manasseh Maestoso Sostenuto espressivo Wail Wail Ye solitary people Jews of Jerusalem by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 1 The Return of Manasseh The Lord is long suffering and merciful Meshullemeth by William Vann London Mozart Players Kathryn Rudge Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 1 The Return of Manasseh Our King is come again from distant lands Jews of Jerusalem by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 1 The Return of Manasseh Behold how great is the mercy of our God Manasseh He brought us out of the da by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Kathryn Rudge Sarah Fox Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 2 The Message of Holofernes Hear ye the words of the captain of the great King Messenger by William Vann London Mozart Players Henry Waddington Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 2 The Message of Holofernes Woe woe Our city s walls are broken Jews of Jerusalem by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 2 The Message of Holofernes Let us give thanks unto the Lord our God Judith by William Vann London Mozart Players Sarah Fox Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 2 The Message of Holofernes I pray Thee O God of my fathers Judith by William Vann London Mozart Players Sarah Fox Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 2 The Message of Holofernes The God of our fathers give thee favour People by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 3 The Exploit of Judith The Walls of Jerusalem Night See ye the campfires of the host of Assur Chorus o by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 3 The Exploit of Judith Ho ye upon the walls Judith by William Vann London Mozart Players Sarah Fox Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 3 The Exploit of Judith Arise O Israel Smite ye your enemies Jews of JerusalemJews of Jerusalem by William Vann London Mozart Players Crouch End Festival Chorus Sir Charles Hubert Parry


Judith Act II Scene 3 The Exploit of Judith God breaketh the battle Manasseh by William Vann London Mozart Players Toby Spence Sir Charles Hubert Parry


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