War and Faith Album Free Download

  • Title: War and Faith
  • Artist: Gian Paolo Fagotto
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 15
  • Release Date: November 7, 2006

Track List:


In the Basilic of Aquileia Intonazione del VI Tono by Gian Paolo Fagotto Edoardo Bellotti


In the Basilic of Aquileia Antifona del VI Tono by Gian Paolo Fagotto Chorus Beatorum Ornelio Bortoliero


In the Basilic of Aquileia Canzon ariosa by Gian Paolo Fagotto Edoardo Bellotti


In the Duke s Palace The Battles of the French for the Ducato of Milan Improvisation on a French Folk Melody by Gian Paolo Fagotto Fabio Tricomi


In the Duke s Palace The Battles of the French for the Ducato of Milan Ballo francese by Gian Paolo Fagotto Edoardo Bellotti Ensemble La Fenice Jean Tubery


In the Duke s Palace The Battles of the French for the Ducato of Milan Ballo milanese by Gian Paolo Fagotto Ensemble Il Suonar Parlante Vittorio Ghielmi


In the Duke s Palace The Battles of the French for the Ducato of Milan La bataglia taliana by Gian Paolo Fagotto Fabio Tricomi Il Terzo Suono


In the Basilic of Aquileia Toccata Primi Toni by Gian Paolo Fagotto Edoardo Bellotti




In the Basilic of Aquileia Improvisazione Fantasia sopra il Regina Coeli by Gian Paolo Fagotto Edoardo Bellotti
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