Music for Stage and Screen The Red Pony Born on the Fourth of July Quiet City The Reivers Album Free Download

  • Title: Music for Stage and Screen The Red Pony Born on the Fourth of July Quiet City The Reivers
  • Artist: Boston Pops Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical Crossover
  • Total Track: 12
  • Release Date: April 1, 1994

Track List:


The Red Pony suite for orchestra I Morning on the Ranch by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams


The Red Pony suite for orchestra II The Gift by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams


The Red Pony suite for orchestra IIIa Dream March by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams


The Red Pony suite for orchestra IIIb Circus March by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams


The Red Pony suite for orchestra IV Walk to the Bunkhouse by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams


The Red Pony suite for orchestra V Grandfather s Tale by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams


The Red Pony suite for orchestra VI Happy Ending by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams


Born on the Fourth of July film score Suite I Theme from Born on the Fourth of July by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams Tim Morrison


Born on the Fourth of July film score Suite II Cua Viet River Vietnam 1968 by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams Tim Morrison


Born on the Fourth of July film score Suite III Massapequa The Early Days by Boston Pops Orchestra John Williams Tim Morrison
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