Stainer The Crucifixion Orch Barry Rose Album Free Download

  • Title: Stainer The Crucifixion Orch Barry Rose
  • Artist: Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra & Roderick Williams
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 20
  • Release Date: October 15, 2007

Track List:


The Crucifixion Aria With Chorus Could Ye Not Watch With Me Recitative and They Laid Their Hands On Him by Barry Rose Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra Organ Buildford Camerata Peter Auty Roderick Williams Rowland Sidwell



The Crucifixion Recitative and Men s Chorus When Jesus Therefore Saw His Mother by Barry Rose Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra Organ Buildford Camerata Peter Auty Roderick Williams
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