Rota Music for Film Album Free Download

  • Title: Rota Music for Film
  • Artist: Riccardo Muti & Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 30
  • Release Date: October 29, 1997

Track List:


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 I Sicilian Pastorale by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 II The Immigrant from the Godfather Part II by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 III The Pickup by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 IV Kay from the Godfather Part II by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 V Love Theme by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 VI a New Carpet from the Godfather Part II by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 VII Godfather s Waltz by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala


Main Title The Godfather Waltz from the Godfather 1972 VIII End Title from the Godfather Part II by Riccardo Muti Massimo Colombo Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala



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