Lebendige Vergangenheit Boris Christoff Album Free Download

  • Title: Lebendige Vergangenheit Boris Christoff
  • Artist: Boris Christoff
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 13
  • Release Date: January 1, 2002

Track List:


Boris Godunov Still one more page sung in russian by Boris Christoff The Philadelphia Orchestra


Boris Godunov In the town of Kazan sung in russian by The Philadelphia Orchestra Boris Christoff


Boris Godunov I have attained the highest power sung in russian by Boris Christoff The Philadelphia Orchestra


Boris Godunov Farewell my son sung in russian by Boris Christoff The Philadelphia Orchestra


Khovanshchina It is right here sung in russian by The Philadelphia Orchestra Boris Christoff


Prince Igor I hate a dreary life sung in russian by Boris Christoff The Philadelphia Orchestra


Prince Igor How are you Prince sung in russian by Boris Christoff The Philadelphia Orchestra


Sadko The roaring waves besiege our shores sung in russian by Boris Christoff The Philadelphia Orchestra


sung in russian Song of the Volga Boatmen by Boris Christoff The Philadelphia Orchestra
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