Ancient Music for the Flute Album Free Download

  • Title: Ancient Music for the Flute
  • Artist: Philippe Emanuel Haas, Thierry Escaich & Janka Speglitz
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 15
  • Release Date: June 16, 2009

Track List:


Premiér Suite de Symphonies Fanfare Rondeau by Philippe Emanuel Haas Thierry Escaich


Sonata No 6 in G Major for Flute and Organ Op 2 by Philippe Emanuel Haas Thierry Escaich


La Magdalena Basse Dance Recoupe Tourdillon Bransle Doublé Bransle Gay by Philippe Emanuel Haas Janka Speglitz Eric Latour


Sonata No 12 in G Major for Flute and Organ Op 1 by Philippe Emanuel Haas Thierry Escaich


Songs and Dances for Flute and Organ by Philippe Emanuel Haas Thierry Escaich


Ballo del Gran Luca Joyful Dances from the Renaissance by Philippe Emanuel Haas Thierry Escaich


Suite No 4 in E Minor for Flute and Continuo by Philippe Emanuel Haas Janka Speglitz Eric Latour


Premier Livre de Danseries First Book of Dances by Philippe Emanuel Haas Thierry Escaich
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