Webern Vol 2 Vocal and Orchestral Works 5 Pieces 5 Sacred Songs Variations Bach Musical Offering Ricercar Album Free Download

  • Title: Webern Vol 2 Vocal and Orchestral Works 5 Pieces 5 Sacred Songs Variations Bach Musical Offering Ricercar
  • Artist: Robert Craft, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble & Simon Joly Chorale
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 38
  • Release Date: June 30, 2009

Track List:



5 Movements Op 5 arr for String Orchestra I Heftig Bewegt by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Movements Op 5 arr for String Orchestra II Sehr Langsam by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Movements Op 5 arr for String Orchestra III Sehr Bewegt by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Movements Op 5 arr for String Orchestra IV Sehr Langsam by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Movements Op 5 arr for String Orchestra V In Zarter Bewegung by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Pieces Op 10 No 1 Sehr Ruhig Und Zart by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Pieces Op 10 No 2 Lebhaft Und Zart Bewegt by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Pieces Op 10 No 3 Sehr Langsam Und Ausserst Ruhig by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra


5 Pieces Op 10 No 4 Fliessend Ausserst Zart by Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra



5 Sacred Songs Op 15 No 1 Das Kreuz Das Musst Er Tragen by Tony Arnold Robert Craft Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble



5 Sacred Songs Op 15 No 4 Mein Weg Geht Jetzt Voruber by Tony Arnold Robert Craft Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble


5 Sacred Songs Op 15 No 5 Fahr Hin O Seel Zu Deinem Gott by Tony Arnold Robert Craft Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble


Cantata No 2 Op 31 Schweigt Auch Die Welt Aus Farben Ist Immer The World Through Silent Is Always Full of Colours by David Wilson Johnson Simon Joly Chorale Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra Claire Booth


Cantata No 2 Op 31 Sehr Tief Verhalten Innerst Leben Buried Deep Innermost Life Sings by David Wilson Johnson Simon Joly Chorale Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra Claire Booth


Cantata No 2 Op 31 Schopfen Aus Brunnen Des Himmels Nach Wassen Des Worts To Draw from Heaven s Springs by David Wilson Johnson Simon Joly Chorale Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra Claire Booth


Cantata No 2 Op 31 Leichteste Burden Der Baume Trag Ich Durch Die Raume Die Dufte Through Space I Carry the Tree s Lightest Burden by David Wilson Johnson Simon Joly Chorale Robert Craft Philharmonia Orchestra Claire Booth


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