Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage Vol 3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage Vol 3
  • Artist: Elli Jaffe, Robert Bloch, Nell Snaidas, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Joanne Borts, Simon Spiro, Amy Goldstein, Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya, Jorge Mester, Benzion Miller, Elizabeth Shammash, Robert Abelson & Bruce Adler
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 16
  • Release Date: March 21, 2007

Track List:


Di Goldene Kale The Golden Bride Mayn Goldele My Goldele by Elli Jaffe Robert Bloch Nell Snaidas Vienna Chamber Orchestra


Op to un un Da un to un Uptown Downtown Fifty Fifty by Joanne Borts Vienna Chamber Orchestra Elli Jaffe


Der Rebe Hot Geheysn Freylekh Zayn In a Kleyn Shtibele In a Small Cottage by Vienna Chamber Orchestra Elli Jaffe Simon Spiro Amy Goldstein


Dzhenke Oy Iz Dos a Meydl Oh Is This a Girl Oy Iz Dos a Meydl by Vienna Chamber Orchestra Elli Jaffe Simon Spiro


Dos Radio Meydl The Radio Girl Es Tsit Es Brit It Tugs It Burns by Amy Goldstein Vienna Chamber Orchestra Elli Jaffe


Berele Tremp Berele the Vagabond Street Boy Watch Your Step by Vienna Chamber Orchestra Joanne Borts Elli Jaffe


Gebrokhene Hertser Broken Hearts Got un Zayn Mishpet Iz Gerekht God and His Judgment Are Just by Robert Abelson Vienna Chamber Orchestra Elli Jaffe


Dos Mamele Kid Mother Oyb S iz Geven Gut Far Mayn Mamen If It Was Good Enough for My Mother by Vienna Chamber Orchestra Simon Spiro Amy Goldstein Elli Jaffe


Yosl un Zayne Vayber Du Bist Dos Likht Fun Mayne Oygn You Are the Light of My Eyes by Nell Snaidas Elli Jaffe Vienna Chamber Orchestra



Tsipke Tsipke A Bisl Libe un a Bisl Glik A Bit of Love and a Bit of Luck by Vienna Chamber Orchestra Elli Jaffe Amy Goldstein


Fishl Der Gerotener Dir a Nikl Mir a Nikl A Nickel for You and a Nickel for Me by Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya Bruce Adler Elli Jaffe


Dos Galitsiyaner Rebele The Little Galician Rabbi Shloymele Malkele by Elizabeth Shammash Elli Jaffe Vienna Chamber Orchestra Simon Spiro
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