Bernstein Favorites Children s Classics Album Free Download

  • Title: Bernstein Favorites Children s Classics
  • Artist: Leonard Bernstein & New York Philharmonic
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 35
  • Release Date: January 1, 1961

Track List:


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux I Introduction Et Marche Royale Du Lion by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux II Pouls Et Coqs by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux III Hemiones by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux IV Tortues by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux V L Elephant by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux VI Kangourous by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux VII Aquarium by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux VIII Personnages a Longues Oreilles by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux IX Le Coucou Au Fond Des Bois by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux X Voliere by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux XI Pianistes by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux XII Fossiles by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux XIII Le Cygne by Leonard Bernstein


The Carnival of the Animals Les Carnaval Des Animaux XIV Final by Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Theme A Allegro Maestoso e Largamente Full Orchestra by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Theme B Woodwinds by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Theme C Brass by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Theme D Strings by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Theme E Percussion by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Theme F Full Orchestra by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation A Piccolo Flutes by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation B Lento Oboes by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation C Moderato Clarinets by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation D Allegro Alla Marcia Bassoons by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation E Brillante Alla Polacca Violins by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation F Meno Mosso Violas by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation G Cellos by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation H Comminciando Lento Ma Poco a Poco Accel Al Allegro Doublebasses by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation I Maestoso Harp by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation J L istesso Tempo French Horns by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation K Vivace Trumpets by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation L Allegro Pomposo Trombones Tuba by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Variation M Moderato Percussion by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein


The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 Variations and Fugue On a Theme of Purcell Fugue Allegro Molto Full Orchestra by New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein
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