Gheorghi Arnaoudov The Way of the Birds Footnote is one of the gorgeous album of
Stoyan Pavlov Angel Stankov Nadja Dimitrov Christo Pavlov Yossif Radionov Kostadin Yotsov Rossen Idealov Roumen Kroumov Gheorghi Stoyanov Ludmil Nentchev Alexandra Docheva Tania Kazandjieva Chauche Kalina Krusteva Mila Pavlova Maria Palieva . Album's primary genre is
Classical , it was released on
September 28, 2010 and contains
4 tracks
of duration
42 minutes and 31 seconds with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound.. .
To preview any song, mouse over the
Play Video button and click Play. Click to
More Info button to download mp3. .