The Harry Partch Collection Volume 4 Album Free Download

  • Title: The Harry Partch Collection Volume 4
  • Artist: University of Illinois Musical Ensemble, John Garvey, Freda Schell & Chorus of Lost Musicians
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 12
  • Release Date: January 1, 2005

Track List:


The Bewitched Scene1 Three Undergrads Become Transfigured In A Hong Kong Music Hall by John Garvey University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Chorus of Lost Musicians Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 2 Exercises In Harmony And Counterpoint Are Tried In A Court Of Ancient Ritual by John Garvey University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Chorus of Lost Musicians Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 3 The Romancing Of A Pathological Liar Comes To An Inspired End by John Garvey University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Chorus of Lost Musicians Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 4 A Soul Tormented By Contemporary Music Finds A Humanizing Alchemy by John Garvey University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Chorus of Lost Musicians Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 5 Visions Fill The Eyes Of A Defeated Basketball Team In The Shower Room by John Garvey Chorus of Lost Musicians University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 7 Two Detectives On The Trail Of A Tricky Culprit Turn In Their Badges by John Garvey University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Chorus of Lost Musicians Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 8 A Court In Its Own Contempt Rises To A Motherly Apothesis by John Garvey Chorus of Lost Musicians University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 9 A Lost Political Soul Finds HimselfAmong The Voteless Women Of Paradise by John Garvey Chorus of Lost Musicians University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Freda Schell


The Bewitched Scene 10 The Cognoscenti Are Plunged Into A Demonic Descent While At Cocktails by John Garvey Chorus of Lost Musicians University of Illinois Musical Ensemble Freda Schell
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