Bach St John Passion BWV 245 Album Free Download

  • Title: Bach St John Passion BWV 245
  • Artist: Frans Brüggen, Cappella Amsterdam, Orchestra of the 18th Century, Markus Schäfer, Thomas Oliemans, Michael Chance, Carolyn Sampson, Pierre-Guy Le Gall White, Jon Etxabe-Arzuaga Groenland, Bart Oenema, Guido Groenland, Marcel Beekman & Peter Kooij
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 40
  • Release Date: April 1, 2011

Track List:


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Chorale Herr unser Herrscher Chorus by Frans Brüggen Cappella Amsterdam Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Recitative Jesus ging mit seinen Jungern Evangelist Wen suchet ihr Evangelist Jesus Jesum von Nazareth Chorus by Markus Schäfer Thomas Oliemans Cappella Amsterdam Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Chorale O grosse Lieb Chorus by Frans Brüggen Cappella Amsterdam Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Recitative Auf dass das Wort erfullet wurde Evangelist Jesus Strecke dein Schwert in die Scheide Evangelist Jesus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Markus Schäfer Thomas Oliemans


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Chorale Dein Will gescheh Herr Gott zugleich Chorus by Frans Brüggen Cappella Amsterdam Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Recitative Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann Evangelist by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Markus Schäfer


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Aria Von den Strikken meiner Sunden Alto by Orchestra of the 18th Century Frans Brüggen Michael Chance


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Recitative Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach Evangelist by Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Aria Ich folge dir gleichfalls Soprano by Orchestra of the 18th Century Carolyn Sampson Frans Brüggen


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Recitative Derselbige Junger war Evangelist Bist du nicht dieses Menschen Junger einer Chorus Ich bin s nicht Evangelist Magd Petrus by Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen Thomas Oliemans Orchestra of the 18th Century Pierre Guy Le Gall White Jon Etxabe Arzuaga Groenland Bart Oenema Guido Groenland


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Chorale Wer hat dich so geschlagen Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Recitative Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden Evangelist Ich bin nicht Sahe ich dich Evangelist Petrus Deiner Bist du nicht Chorus by Frans Brüggen Markus Schäfer Cappella Amsterdam Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Aria Ach mein Sinn wo willt du endlich hin Tenor by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Marcel Beekman


St John Passion BWV 245 Part I Chorale Petrus der nicht denkt zuruck Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale Christus der uns selig macht Chorus by Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam Frans Brüggen


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Da fuhreten sie Jesum Was bringet ihr Redest du das Evangelist Pilatus Jesus Ware dieser nicht ein Chorus by Pierre Guy Le Gall White Thomas Oliemans Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale Ach grosser Konig Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm So bist du dennoch Was is Wahrheit Evangelist Jesus Pilatus Nicht diesen Chorus by Markus Schäfer Cappella Amsterdam Thomas Oliemans Pierre Guy Le Gall White Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Arioso Betrachte meine Seel Bass by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Peter Kooij


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Aria Erwage wie sein blutgefarbter Rucken Tenor by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Marcel Beekman


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Und die kriegsknechte flochten Sehet ich fuhre Du hattest keine Evangelist Pilatus Jesus Sei gegrubet Chorus by Orchestra of the 18th Century Pierre Guy Le Gall White Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen Thomas Oliemans Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale Durch dein Gefangnis Gottes Sohn Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Die Juden aber schrieen Evangelist Sehet das ist euer Konig Evangelist Pilatus Lassest du diesen los Chorus by Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen Cappella Amsterdam Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Aria Eilt ihr angefochtnen Seelen Bass Eilt Wohin Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Peter Kooij Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Allda kreuzigten sie ihn Was ich geschrieden habe Evangelist Pilatus Schreibe nicht Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Markus Schäfer Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale In meines Herzens Grunde Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Die Kriegsknechte aber Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen Auf dass erfullet wurde die Schrift Evangelist Jesus Chorus by Orchestra of the 18th Century Frans Brüggen Markus Schäfer Thomas Oliemans Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale Er nahm alles wohl in acht Chorus by Cappella Amsterdam Orchestra of the 18th Century Frans Brüggen


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Und von Stund an Mich durstet Evangelist Jesus by Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen Thomas Oliemans Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Aria Es ist vollbracht Alto by Michael Chance Orchestra of the 18th Century Frans Brüggen


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Und neigte das Haupt und verschied Evangelist by Markus Schäfer Orchestra of the 18th Century Frans Brüggen


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Aria Mein teurer Heiland Bass Jesu der du warest tot Chorus by Peter Kooij Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Und siehe da der Vorhang Evangelist by Orchestra of the 18th Century Frans Brüggen Markus Schäfer


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Arioso Mein Herz indem die ganze Welt Tenor by Orchestra of the 18th Century Marcel Beekman Frans Brüggen


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Aria Zerfliesse mein Herze Soprano by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Carolyn Sampson


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Die Juden aber Evangelist by Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale O hilf Christe Gottes Sohn Chorus by Frans Brüggen Cappella Amsterdam Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Recitative Darnach bat Pilatum Evangelist by Markus Schäfer Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale Ruht wohl ihr heiligen Gebeine Chorus by Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century Cappella Amsterdam


St John Passion BWV 245 Part II Chorale Ach Herr lass dein lieb Engelein Chorus by Cappella Amsterdam Frans Brüggen Orchestra of the 18th Century
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