Great Christmas Classics Album Free Download

  • Title: Great Christmas Classics
  • Artist: Jennifer Lane, Amadeus Ensemble, David Price, Valentin Radu, Günter Kehr, Mainz Chamber Orchestra, Gertraud Stocklassa, Stuttgart Figuralchor der Gedachtniskirche, Helmuth Rilling, Hildegard Rüttgers, Stuttgart Bach Orchestra, Spandauer Kantorei Berlin, Elisabeth Speiser, Kurt Huber, Josef Schmalhofer, Günther Wilhelms, Erich Majkut, Vienna Philharmonic, Vienna Academie Chamber Choir & Ferdinand Grossman
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 17
  • Release Date: October 1, 2011

Track List:


Messiah HWV 56 Pt I For Unto a Child Is Born Chorus by Valentin Radu Amadeus Ensemble


Messiah HWV 56 Pt I Aria Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Tenor by Amadeus Ensemble David Price Valentin Radu


Messiah HWV 56 Pt I Aria Rejoice Greatly O Daughter of Zion Soprano by Jennifer Lane Amadeus Ensemble Valentin Radu


Oh di Betlemme altera poverta Recitativo O de Betlemme altera by Günter Kehr Mainz Chamber Orchestra Gertraud Stocklassa


Oh di Betlemme altera poverta Aria Dal bel seno d una stella by Günter Kehr Mainz Chamber Orchestra Gertraud Stocklassa


Oh di Betlemme altera poverta Recitativo Preso d uomo la forma by Günter Kehr Mainz Chamber Orchestra Gertraud Stocklassa


Oh di Betlemme altera poverta Aria L autor d ogni mio bene by Günter Kehr Mainz Chamber Orchestra Gertraud Stocklassa


Oh di Betlemme altera poverta Recitativo Fortunati pastori by Günter Kehr Mainz Chamber Orchestra Gertraud Stocklassa


Oh di Betlemme altera poverta Aria Tocco la prima sorte a voi by Günter Kehr Mainz Chamber Orchestra Gertraud Stocklassa


Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part I Jauchzet frohlocket auf preiset die Tage Chorus by Erich Majkut Vienna Philharmonic Vienna Academie Chamber Choir Ferdinand Grossman


Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part IV Aria Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben Tenor by Erich Majkut Vienna Philharmonic Vienna Academie Chamber Choir Ferdinand Grossman


Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part IV Chorale Jesus richte mein Beginnen Chorus by Erich Majkut Vienna Philharmonic Vienna Academie Chamber Choir Ferdinand Grossman
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