Delius Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe A Village Romeo and Juliet is one of the gorgeous album of
Hans Hoffmann Ulrich Koberte Hanne Fischer Jörg Sabrowski Eva Christine Reimer David Midboe Irmgard Schwarz Anne Gorner Karsten Russ Beate Bilandzija Klaus Wallprecht Maja Koht Kiel Opera Chorus Hans Jurgen Forter Barth Klauspeter Seibel Annette Vogt Robert Klopper Kiel Philharmonic Orchestra Alisa Sikira Ulrich Koberle Lothar Kappaun Catherine Vincent Irina Uhlemann Martin Fleitmann Bernd Gebhardt Klaus Peter Hallacker Christa Forsen Attila Kovacs Dietrich Henschel . Album's primary genre is
Classical , it was released on
January 1, 2000 and contains
24 tracks
of duration
1 hour, 47 minutes and 8 seconds with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound.. .
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