Vivaldi Griselda RV 718 Album Free Download

  • Title: Vivaldi Griselda RV 718
  • Artist: Caitlin Hulcup, Erin Helyard & Orchestra of the Antipodes
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 52
  • Release Date: December 1, 2013

Track List:


Griselda RV 718 Act I Scene 3 Recitative Signor or ora al Porto guinta e la regia sposa Ottone Griselda Gualtiero by Tobias Cole Miriam Allan Erin Helyard David Hansen Christopher Saunders Caitlin Hulcup Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes


Griselda RV 718 Act I Scene 5 Recitative Troppo avvezza e Griselda tra le porpore e l fasto Ottone by Erin Helyard Caitlin Hulcup Orchestra of the Antipodes Tobias Cole Miriam Allan David Hansen Christopher Saunders Russell Harcourt



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