Heggie Dead Man Walking Album Free Download

  • Title: Heggie Dead Man Walking
  • Artist: Joyce DiDonato, Frederica von Stade, Measha Brueggergosman, Philip Cutlip, Houston Grand Opera & Patrick Summers
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 45
  • Release Date: April 13, 2012

Track List:


Dead Man Walking Prologue Watching you every day Song on radio Boy Girl Joseph De Rocher Anthony De Rocher by Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Heather Sanders Matt Hune Brian Hamlin


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 1 Hope House He will gather us around Sister Helen Children Sister Rose by Joyce DiDonato Measha Brueggergosman Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Chorus of Houston Grand Opera Richard Bado


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 1 Hope House Heavens Look at the time Sister Rose First mother Sister Lillianne Sister Catherine Jimmy Charlton Mrs Charlton Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Measha Brueggergosman Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Kathleen Manley Brittany Wheeler Kiri Deonarine Zander Shepeard Laurelle Gowing


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 2 The drive to Angola State Prison Be careful people have always told me Sister Helen Motor cop by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Michael Sumuel


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 2 The drive to Angola State Prison This journey Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 3 Outside of Angola State Penitentiary Sister Helen I ve been waiting for you Father Grenville Sister Helen Inmates by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Beau Gibson Carey Michael O Rarden Bradley Blunt Wesley Landry James Jennings Leslie Biffle Rahki DeShon Marcelous


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 4 Father Grenville s office Some of them didn t look so bad Sister Helen Father Grenville by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Beau Gibson


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 4 Father Grenville s office I don t like that man Sister Helen Warden by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Hector Vasquez


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 6 The Death Row visiting room Are you frightened Sister Helen Joseph by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 6 The Death Row visiting room You ever been with a man Joseph Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 6 The Death Row visiting room Five more minutes De Rocher First guard Joseph Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Michael Sumuel


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 7 The Pardon Board hearing The defendant s mother Mrs Patrick De Rocher Paralegal Older brother Joseph s mother by Frederica von Stade Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Nancy Hall Austin Dean


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 7 The Pardon Board hearing Joe my Joe is not a bad boy Joseph s mother Owen Hart by Frederica von Stade Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera John Packard


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 7 The Pardon Board hearing What you all say my Joe did is so terrible Joseph s mother by Frederica von Stade Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 8 The parking lot outside the courthouse It s a good sign when they take so long to decide Sister Rose Sister Helen Owen Hart Jade Boucher Kitty Hart Howard Boucher by Joyce DiDonato Suzanne Mentzer Frederica von Stade Measha Brueggergosman Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Brittany Wheeler Kiri Deonarine John Packard Cheryl Parrish Jon Kolbet


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 8 The parking lot outside the courthouse You don t know what it s like to bear a child Jade Boucher Kitty Hart Sister Helen Howard Boucher Owen Hart Joseph s mother by Joyce DiDonato Suzanne Mentzer Frederica von Stade Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera John Packard Cheryl Parrish Jon Kolbet


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 8 The parking lot outside the courthouse I m sorry So sorry Sister Helen Owen Hart Jade Boucher Howard Boucher Kitty Hart Paralegal Sister Rose by Joyce DiDonato Suzanne Mentzer Measha Brueggergosman Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Nancy Hall John Packard Cheryl Parrish Jon Kolbet


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 9 The Death Row visiting room Guess your nun ain t comin back De Rocher First guard Sister Helen Joseph by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Michael Sumuel


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 9 The Death Row visiting room I believe in the here and now Joseph Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act I Scene 9 The Death Row visiting room The Bible says the truth will set you free Sister Helen Joseph Warden Scene 10 The waiting room Excuse me Do you have any change Sister Helen First guard by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Michael Sumuel Hector Vasquez


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 1 Joseph s cell The girl I remember the girl Joseph by Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 2 Sister Helen s bedroom Oh Now and at the hour of our death Amen Sister Helen Sister Rose by Joyce DiDonato Measha Brueggergosman Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 2 Sister Helen s bedroom God s love and forgiveness Sister Rose Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Measha Brueggergosman Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 3 Joseph s cell August 4 in the evening Well Well Inmates What time is it Joseph Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Carey Michael O Rarden Bradley Blunt Wesley Landry James Jennings Leslie Biffle Rahki DeShon Marcelous


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 3 Joseph s cell August 4 in the evening I m scared OK Joseph Sister Helen First guard by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Michael Sumuel


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 4 The visiting room The new Ford Mustangs are so cool Joseph s brothers Joseph Joseph s mother Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Frederica von Stade Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Austin Dean Cullen King


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 4 The visiting room All those people out there Joseph s mother Sister Helen First guard Joseph Second guard Younger brother Warden by Joyce DiDonato Frederica von Stade Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Michael Sumuel Hector Vasquez Boris Dyakov Cullen King


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 4 The visiting room Don t say a word Joseph s mother Joseph Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Frederica von Stade Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 4 The visiting room Who will walk with me Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 5 Outside of the Death House Good evening Sister Helen Howard and Jade Boucher Kitty and Owen Hart Second guard by Joyce DiDonato Suzanne Mentzer Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Boris Dyakov John Packard Cheryl Parrish Jon Kolbet


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 5 Outside of the Death House I ve said some harsh things Owen Hart Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera John Packard


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 6 Joseph s holding cell You re a regular illustrated man De Rocher First guard Second guard Inmates by Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Michael Sumuel Boris Dyakov Carey Michael O Rarden Bradley Blunt Wesley Landry James Jennings Leslie Biffle Rahki DeShon Marcelous


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 7 The Confession We d been drinkin and smokin weed at the road house Joseph Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera


Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 7 The Confession I killed her Joseph Sister Helen Warden Father Grenville by Joyce DiDonato Philip Cutlip Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera Beau Gibson Hector Vasquez



Dead Man Walking Act II Scene 8 The Execution He will gather us around all around Sister Helen by Joyce DiDonato Patrick Summers Houston Grand Opera
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