Britten Les Illuminations Serenade Nocturne Noye s Fludde Album Free Download

  • Title: Britten Les Illuminations Serenade Nocturne Noye s Fludde
  • Artist: City of London Sinfonia & Richard Hickox
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 40
  • Release Date: April 3, 2006

Track List:


Serenade Op 31 1 Pastoral The day s grown old Charles Cotton by Frank Lloyd Richard Hickox City of London Sinfonia


Serenade Op 31 2 Nocturne The splendour falls on castle walls Alfred Lord Tennyson by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox


Serenade Op 31 3 Elegy O Rose thou art sick William Blake by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox


Serenade Op 31 4 Dirge This ae nighte anon 15th century by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox



Serenade Op 31 6 Sonnet O soft embalmer of the still midnight John Keats by Frank Lloyd Richard Hickox City of London Sinfonia


Nocturne Op 60 Below the thunders of the upper deep Tennyson by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox


Nocturne Op 60 Encinctured with a twive of leaves Coleridge by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox



Nocturne Op 60 When that night on my bed I lay Wordsworth by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox



Nocturne Op 60 WHat is more gentle than a wind in summer Keats by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox


Nocturne Op 60 When most I wink then do mine eyes best see Shakespeare by City of London Sinfonia Frank Lloyd Martyn Hill Richard Hickox



Les Illuminations Op 18 VII Being Beauteous by City of London Sinfonia Richard Hickox




Noye s Fludde Op 59 The Chester Miricle Play set to music I God that all this world hath wroughte by Donald Maxwell Linda Ormiston Camellia Johnson Camelia Johnson Polly Hewetson Joanna Brown Endymion Ensemble Richard Hickox


Noye s Fludde Op 59 The Chester Miricle Play set to music O Lorde I thanke thee lowde and still by Donald Maxwell Linda Ormiston Camellia Johnson Camelia Johnson Polly Hewetson Joanna Brown Endymion Ensemble Richard Hickox


Noye s Fludde Op 59 The Chester Miricle Play set to music Now in the name of God I will begyne by Donald Maxwell Linda Ormiston Camellia Johnson Camelia Johnson Polly Hewetson Joanna Brown Endymion Ensemble Richard Hickox


Noye s Fludde Op 59 The Chester Miricle Play set to music Wyffe in this vessell we shall be kepte by Donald Maxwell Linda Ormiston Camellia Johnson Camelia Johnson Polly Hewetson Joanna Brown Endymion Ensemble Richard Hickox


Noye s Fludde Op 59 The Chester Miricle Play set to music Wiffe come in why standes thou their by Donald Maxwell Linda Ormiston Camellia Johnson Camelia Johnson Polly Hewetson Joanna Brown Endymion Ensemble Richard Hickox


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