Bliss Checkmate Mêlée Fantasque Album Free Download

  • Title: Bliss Checkmate Mêlée Fantasque
  • Artist: David Lloyd-Jones & Royal Scottish National Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 13
  • Release Date: September 1, 2005

Track List:


Checkmate I Prologue The Players Moderato maestoso by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate II Dance of the Red Pawns Allegro spirito scherzando by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate III Dance of the Four Knights Allegro moderato sempre robustamente by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate IV Entry of the Black Queen L istesso tempo by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate V The Red Knight s Mazurka Moderato giojosamente by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate VI Ceremony of the Red Bishops Largamente misticamente by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate VII Entry of the Red Castles Allegro molto deciso by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate VIII Entry of the Red King and Queen Grave by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate IX The Attack Allegro impetuoso e brillante by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate X The Duel Maestoso moderato e molto appassionato by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate XI The Black Queen Dances Allegro dispettoso by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra


Checkmate XII Finale Checkmate Andante poco sostenuto Allegro vivace e feroce by David Lloyd Jones Royal Scottish National Orchestra
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