Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Sung in German Live Album Free Download

  • Title: Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Sung in German Live
  • Artist: Leonie Rysanek, Anton Dermota, George London, Gottlob Frick, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera & Berislav Klobucar
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 39
  • Release Date: March 3, 2015

Track List:


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act I Introduction Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act I Durch das Feld da fliesst ein Bächlein Live by Chorus of the Vienna State Opera Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act I Zum stummen schwermutsvollen Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar Mira Kalin


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act I Und wär s mein Untergang erfahren Live by Leonie Rysanek Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act II Introduction Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act II Wohin wohin o Frühling meines Lebens Live by Anton Dermota Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act III Polonaise Live by Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act III Ach kein Vergessen Live by George London Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act III Ein jeder kennt die Lieb auf Erden Live by Gottlob Frick Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar



Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act III Ist dies denn wirklich die Tatjana Live by George London Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act III Ich stand in meinen Blütenjahren Live by Leonie Rysanek George London Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar


Eugene Onegin Op 24 TH 5 Act III Nein Ihnen stets zur Seite steh n Live by George London Leonie Rysanek Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Berislav Klobucar
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