St John s Cathedral Boys and Girls Choir St John s Cathedral Choir Eric Plutz Donald Pearson Cynthia Templin Moe Glen McGrath Jean Cioffi Maureen Sorensson
Choral Music Sacred Palestrina G P Durufle M Holst G Barber S Dvorak A Farrant R Byrd W Visions of Heaven
St John s Cathedral Choir Donald Pearson Eric Plutz Voices of Ascension Chorus Dennis Keene Mark Kruczek Voices of Ascension Orchestra Todd Wilson Vinson Cole Patrick Stephens Westminster Choir New Jersey Symphony Orchestra Zdenek Macal Robert Noehren Arleen Auger Gerard Schwarz Mostly Mozart Orchestra
Choral Concert St John s Episcopal Cathedral Choir Moline R Ward S Steffe W Dawson W Billings W Berlin I Nestor L
Donald Pearson St John s Cathedral Festival Orchestra St John s Episcopal Cathedral Choir John Repulski St John s Cathedral Boys and Girls Choir St John s Cathedral Choir St John s Episcopal Cathedral Boys and Girls Choir St John s Episcopal Cathedral Choir soprano section Aries Brass Quintet
Choral Concert St John s Episcopal Cathedral Choir Campbell S Rutter J Bairstow E Gardner J Sumsion H Piccolo A
Donald Pearson Eric Plutz St John s Episcopal Cathedral Choir St John s Episcopal Cathedral Boys and Girls Choir Tom Blomster Cynthia Templin Moe Nathan Jones Susan Brown Alex Komodore Jean Cioffi Gregg Fanselau