All About Lawrence Tibbett

  • Artist: Lawrence Tibbett
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Album: 7
  • Total Songs: 50+

Short Biography:


Music Album of Lawrence Tibbett

Opera Arias Songs Baritone Tibbett Lawrence Bizet G Leoncavallo R Rossini G Speaks O Wolfe J 1928 1940
  • Opera Arias Songs Baritone Tibbett Lawrence Bizet G Leoncavallo R Rossini G Speaks O Wolfe J 1928 1940
  • Studio Chorus Lawrence Tibbett Studio Orchestra Studio Pianist Alexander Smallens Stewart Wille Wilfrid Pelletier The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Richard Crooks Mark Andrews Kirsten Flagstad Lauritz Melchior Karin Branzell Eugene Goosens George Cehanovsky John Engelman Giovanni Paltrinieri Gennaro Papi Nicholas Massue Ettore Panizza Artur Bodanzky Susanne Clemens Gabor Wolfe Alfred Newman Earl Covert Zaruhi Elmassion
Lebendige Vergangenheit Lawrence Tibbett
  • Lebendige Vergangenheit Lawrence Tibbett
  • Lawrence Tibbett
Offenbach Les contes d Hoffmann
  • Offenbach Les contes d Hoffmann
  • The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Maurice De Abravanel René Maison Louis D Anglo Louis D Aglo Vina Bovy Norman Cordon The Metropolitan Opera Chorus Lawrence Tibbet Angelo Bada Arnlod Gabor George Rasely Wilfred Engelmann Lawrence Tibbett Irra Petina
Rosa Ponselle Soprano Volume 3 Live Recordings 1934 1954
  • Rosa Ponselle Soprano Volume 3 Live Recordings 1934 1954
  • Rosa Ponselle Tito Schipa Lawrence Tibbett
The Art of the Verdi Baritone
  • The Art of the Verdi Baritone
  • Carlo Galeffi Mario Ancona Enrico Molinari Alexander Sved Titta Ruffo Pasquale Amato Pavel Lisitsian Giuseppe De Luca Riccardo Stracciari Heinrich Schlusnus Joseph Schwarz Lawrence Tibbett Carlo Tagliabue Leonard Warren Mattia Battistini Cesare Formichi Giuseppe Danise Victor Maurel Antonio Scotti Antonio Magini Coletti Elisa Petri
20 Verdi Arias
  • 20 Verdi Arias
  • Hipolito Lazaro Rosa Ponselle Jose Mardones Enrico Caruso Pasquale Amato Fernando De Lucia Mattia Battistini Claudia Muzio Francesco Tamagno Rolando Panerai Helge Roswange Celestina Boninsegna Titta Ruffo Leon Escalais Lawrence Tibbett Giovanni Zenatello Alfred Piccaver Aureliano Pertile Giuseppe Anselmi
Emperor Jones 1934 The King s Henchman Finale Act III 1933 Pagliacci Vesto la guibba 1934 Faust Act II Scene I Le Veau D or 1936
  • Emperor Jones 1934 The King s Henchman Finale Act III 1933 Pagliacci Vesto la guibba 1934 Faust Act II Scene I Le Veau D or 1936
  • Lawrence Tibbett Stephen Kennedy

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