Stephen Bulla James Curnow The Johan Willem Friso Military Band Eastern Wind Symphony The Band of the Belgian Navy Eastern Illinois University Wind Symphony Joseph Manfredo Peter Snellinckx The University of lowa Symphony Band The Orchestra of Lithuanian Armed Forces The Royal Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin The Shobi Wind Orchestra The Royal Norwegian Navy Band Nigel Boddice
The Symphonic Band of the Lemmens Conservatory Jan Van der Roost The Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin The Royal Military Band Pierre Kuijpers The Johan Willem Friso Military Band Alex Schillings The Baden Württemberg Wind Orchestra Civica Filarmonica di Lugano Franco Cesarini Peter Snelkincks
James Curnow The Symphonic band of the Belgian Navy The Johan Willem Friso Military Band The Concert Band of Vriezenveen Holland Arnold Span Eastern Wind Symphony The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force Moravian Wind Band Jiři Čaňo The Universaty of lowa Symphony Band Corus Symphonic Wind Orchestra Josef Suilen The Shobi Wind Orchestra The Orchestra of Lithuanian Armed Forces Jan de Haan The Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin
The Washington Winds Edward Petersen The Slovenian Police Band The Johan Willem Friso Military Band Tijmen Botma The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force Lex van Diepen The Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin Norkse Marines Musikkorps Trond Korsgard XBY Band Dennis Mycroft
Rundfunk Blasorchester Leipzig Jan Cober The Royal Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin Civica Filarmonica di Lugano Franco Cesarini The Band of the Belgian Navy Tijmen Botma PT Art Orchester Linz Norbert Hebertinger Peter Snellinckx The Royal Military Band of the Netherlands Tom Beekman The Baden Württemberg Wind Orchestra Harry D Bath
Jan Van der Roost Simon Diricq Clément Holvoet Quartet The Circling Saxes Royal Symphonic Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin Julie Delbart Nikita Ziminand Het Kamerorkest David Reiland Ronald Moelker Niels Bijl Brussels Jazz Orchestra Frank Vaganée The International Saxophone Ensemble of the Brussels Conservatory Het Kamerorkest Ivan Meylemans Peter Pieters Hans Erik Dijkstra Maaike Bosscher Rob Horsting Senzoku Gakuen College of Music Saxophone Orchestra
The Johan Willem Friso Military Band Alex Schillings Frisian Fanfare Orchestra Jouke Hoekstra The Orchestra of Lithuanian Armed Forces Band of the Belgian Air Force Guelders Fanfare Orchestra Justinas Jonusas Alain Crépin Tijmen Botma Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force Henk Heins Lex van Diepen The Band of the Belgian Navy
The Band of the Belgian Navy Peter Snellinckx The Johan Willem Friso Military Band Tijmen Botma The Police Band of Baden Württemberg Tony Scholl Moravian Wind Band Jiři Čaňo The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force Henk Heins Arnold Span Jan de Haan The Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin Lex van Diepen
K S W Concert Band Nijverdal The Band of the Belgian Air Force The Band of the Begian Navy The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force The Royal Military Band The Johan Willem Friso Military Band The Amsterdam Police Band Musique Militaire Grand Ducale The Orchestra of Lithuanian Armed Forces Moravian Wind Band Eastern Wind Symphony Joop Boerstoel Maurice Dubois Alain Crépin Peter Snellinckx Lex van Diepen Pierrie Kuypers Alex Schillings Gerard Fokkema Major André Reichling Justinas Jonusas Tijmen Botma Henk Heins Jiři Čaňo Willem H Silvester
Wim Laseroms The Band of the Belgian Air Force The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force Advendo Wind Orchestra DHM Wind Orchestra The J W F Military Band Alain Crépin Lex van Diepen Cor Roelofsen Tijmen Botma Alex Schillings
The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force The Amsterdam Police Band The Band of the Belgian Air Force The J W F Military Band The Band of the Belgian Navy Lex van Diepen Gerrit Fokkema Alain Crépin Gert Jansen Peter Snellinckx
André Waignein The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force Lex van Diepen The Johan Willem Friso Military Band Arno Span Deutsche Bläserphilharmonie Walter Ratzek The Band of the Belgian Navy Peter Snellinckx Orchestre à Vent du Conservatoire de Musique de la Ville de Tournai The Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin Alex Schillings The Royal Norwegian Navy Band Trond Korsgard Jan de Haan Soli Brass Thijs Oud Yorkshire Imperial Band David Hirst Brass Band Midden Brabant Jean Baily
The Johan Willem Friso Military Band Alex Schillings Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra Jan de Haan The Symphonic Band of the Lemmens Conservatory Jan Van der Roost The Band of the Belgian Air Force Alain Crépin The Royal Military Band of the Netherlands Pierre Kuipers The Symphonic band of the Belgian Navy Tijmen Botma