All About Washington National Cathedral Choir

  • Artist: Washington National Cathedral Choir
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Album: 7
  • Total Songs: 50+

Short Biography:


Music Album of Washington National Cathedral Choir

Hear the Christmas Angels
  • Hear the Christmas Angels
  • Washington National Cathedral Chamber Orchestra Washington National Cathedral Choir Washington Symphonic Brass members Erik Suter Cathedral Voices Michael McCarthy Anonymous
America the Beautiful
  • America the Beautiful
  • Michael McCarthy Washington National Cathedral Choir Scott Hanoian Washington Symphonic Brass Lyon Stewart Erik Suter Gerry Stacy Christine Buras Charlotte Woolley Lara Iglesias Cox Roger Isaacs Mac Lambert
Sing in Exultation Carols from Washington National Cathedral
  • Sing in Exultation Carols from Washington National Cathedral
  • James Litton Washington National Cathedral Choir members Erik Suter Joanna Dabrowska St Albans School Madrigal Singers Washington National Cathedral Choir Elizabeth Robinson Brent Flinchbaugh Washington National Cathedral Madrigal Singers Scott Hanoian Justin Godoy Charlotte Woolley Morgan Whitmire Blount Stewart Peter Thompson Rosa Lamoreaux William Simms Gleb Drobklov William Lockhart Claude Balbastre Gleb Drobkov Christine Buras Vana Derderian Chester Warner
Handel Messiah
  • Handel Messiah
  • Michael McCarthy Washington National Cathedral Choir Washington National Cathedral Baroque Orchestra Nathan Berg Yvette Smith Rufus Muller Susan Lewis Kavinski
Christmas The Joy Of
  • Christmas The Joy Of
  • Washington National Cathedral Choir
Argento Evensong Of Love and Angels
  • Argento Evensong Of Love and Angels
  • Washington National Cathedral Choir Samuel Lloyd III Elizabeth Futral Washington National Cathedral Chamber Orchestra J Reilly Lewis Nelson James LePard Reed
Britten A Ceremony of Carols
  • Britten A Ceremony of Carols
  • Michael McCarthy Washington National Cathedral Choir

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