All About Marianne Beate Kielland

  • Artist: Marianne Beate Kielland
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Album: 37
  • Total Songs: 50+

Short Biography:


Music Album of Marianne Beate Kielland

Bach Sacred Cantatas for Alto Nos 54 169 170 and 200
  • Bach Sacred Cantatas for Alto Nos 54 169 170 and 200
  • Cologne Chamber Orchestra Helmut Müller Brühl Marianne Beate Kielland
Bach Sacred Cantatas for Alto and Tenor
  • Bach Sacred Cantatas for Alto and Tenor
  • Cologne Bach Choir Cologne Chamber Orchestra Helmut Müller Brühl Marianne Beate Kielland Markus Schäfer
Eivind Groven Songs
  • Eivind Groven Songs
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Bach Favourite Arias and Choruses
  • Bach Favourite Arias and Choruses
  • Jurgen Schuster Helmut Müller Brühl Cologne Chamber Orchestra Siri Karoline Thornhill Markus Schäfer Ann Hallenberg Dresden Chamber Choir Hanno Müller Brachmann Marianne Beate Kielland Claudia Couwenbergh
BACH Eternal
  • BACH Eternal
  • Luc Beausejour János Sebestyén Helmut Müller Brühl Cologne Chamber Orchestra Jenő Jandó Oxford Schola Cantorum Jeremy Summerly Northern Chamber Orchestra Christian Hommel Marianne Beate Kielland Wolfgang Rübsam Kolja Blacher Dresden Chamber Choir Hungarian Radio Chorus Mátyás Antal Budapest Failoni Chamber Orchestra Christine Pichlmeier Lisa Stewart
Essential Masses Vol 1
  • Essential Masses Vol 1
  • Nova Schola Gregoriana Alberto Turco Markus Schäfer Hanno Müller Brachmann Sunhae Im Marianne Beate Kielland Ann Hallenberg Dresden Chamber Choir Helmut Müller Brühl Cologne Chamber Orchestra Oxford Camerata Jeremy Summerly Vittorio Zanon Consortium Carissimi Hervé Niquet Le Concert Spirituel Colin Ainsworth Jane Archibald Michele de Boer Marion Newman Nancy Reynolds Anne L Esperance James McLennan David Nortman Estaban Cambre Giles Tomkins Kevin Mallon Aradia Ensemble Jean Baptiste Robin Michel Sanvoisin Ars Antiqua de Paris Tonus Peregrinus Antony Pitts Frederic Munoz Grupo Vocal Gregor Dante Andreo Santa Cruz Benedictine Abbey Schola Laurentino Saenz de Buruaga Oxford Schola Cantorum
Honegger Le Roi David
  • Honegger Le Roi David
  • Orchestre de la Suisse Romande Daniel Reuss Athena Poullos Lucie Chartin Marianne Beate Kielland Thomas Walker Christophe Balissat Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne
Mahler Das Lied von der Erde
  • Mahler Das Lied von der Erde
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Andrew Staples Musica Saeculorum Philipp von Steinaecker
Handel Solo Cantatas
  • Handel Solo Cantatas
  • Thomas C Boysen Marianne Beate Kielland Markku Luolajan Mikkola Hans Knut Sveen
Whispering Mozart
  • Whispering Mozart
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Suppe F Von The Beautiful Galatea Operetta
  • Suppe F Von The Beautiful Galatea Operetta
  • Bruno Weil Marianne Beate Kielland Cappella Coloniensis Jörg Dürmüller Klaus Häger Eleonore Marguerre Christian Brückner Ruhr ChorWerk
Sæle Jolekveld
  • Sæle Jolekveld
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
  • Påsketid
  • Elise Båtnes Kåre Nordstoga Marianne Beate Kielland
  • Grieg
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Caldara Il piu bel nome
  • Caldara Il piu bel nome
  • Agustin Prunell Friend El Concierto Espanol María Espada Raquel Andueza Emilio Moreno Marianne Beate Kielland Robin Blaze Cor de Cambra D Antiga de L esmuc
Come Away Death
  • Come Away Death
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Sergej Osadchuk
Schumann Lieder Und Gesänge Aus Wilhelm Meister
  • Schumann Lieder Und Gesänge Aus Wilhelm Meister
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Katia Bouscarrut
Einsamkeit Songs by Mahler
  • Einsamkeit Songs by Mahler
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Jan Gunnar Hoff
Kjell Habbestad Songar om kjærleik
  • Kjell Habbestad Songar om kjærleik
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Halvor Festervoll Melien Nils Anders Mortensen
Franz Schubert Goethe Songs
  • Franz Schubert Goethe Songs
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Sigurd Lie Songs Vol 2
  • Sigurd Lie Songs Vol 2
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Så kort ein sommar menneska har Songs by Gisle Kverndokk
  • Så kort ein sommar menneska har Songs by Gisle Kverndokk
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Reges Terrae Music from the Time of Charles V
  • Reges Terrae Music from the Time of Charles V
  • Nordic Voices Ebba Rydh Marianne Beate Kielland
Songs Olav Kielland Arne Dørumsgaard
  • Songs Olav Kielland Arne Dørumsgaard
  • Nils Anders Mortensen Marianne Beate Kielland
Young Elling
  • Young Elling
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
  • Lamento
  • Oslo Circles Marianne Beate Kielland
Honegger Le Roi David
  • Honegger Le Roi David
  • L Orchestre De La Suisse Romande Daniel Reuss Athena Poullos Lucie Chartin Marianne Beate Kielland Thomas Walker Christophe Balissat Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne
Sigurd Lie Songs Vol 1
  • Sigurd Lie Songs Vol 1
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
  • Früh
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
The New Song
  • The New Song
  • Nils Anders Mortensen Marianne Beate Kielland
Veslemøy Synsk
  • Veslemøy Synsk
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Nils Anders Mortensen
Mozart Great Mass in C Minor K 427 Reconstr U Leisinger Visual Album
  • Mozart Great Mass in C Minor K 427 Reconstr U Leisinger Visual Album
  • Camerata Salzburg Andrew Manze Salzburg Bach Choir Alois Glaßner Carolyn Sampson Marianne Beate Kielland Benjamin Bruns Douglas Williams
Arcadian Affairs Handel Continuo Cantatas
  • Arcadian Affairs Handel Continuo Cantatas
  • Christian Kjos Ditte Marie Bræin Marianne Beate Kielland
Sibelius Orchestral Songs
  • Sibelius Orchestral Songs
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Norwegian Radio Orchestra Petr Popelka
Robert Schumann Frauenliebe und leben Op 42 Liederkreis Op 24 Gedichte der Königin Maria Stuart Op 135 Songs from Myrthen Op 25
  • Robert Schumann Frauenliebe und leben Op 42 Liederkreis Op 24 Gedichte der Königin Maria Stuart Op 135 Songs from Myrthen Op 25
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Johannes Weisser Nils Anders Mortensen
Alf Hurum Complete Songs With Piano
  • Alf Hurum Complete Songs With Piano
  • Marianne Beate Kielland Øyvind Aase

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